Ph.D., P.Eng.
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
After doctoral studies at McGill University, Dr. Haddad joined the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering of McMaster University for about two years. In 1978, he joined Westinghouse as Engineering Consultant on Corporate Productivity. In this capacity, he consulted to Westinghouse Canada, Westinghouse Electric and other industrial corporations. Dr. Haddad joined the University of Ottawa in 1982. He has written two monographs on engineering materials, edited a NATO Series volume on advanced composite materials, and contributed technical articles to a number of engineering handbooks. Dr. haddad has written a large number of research papers and technical articles which he published and/or presented in well-known international journals and symposia. Dr. Haddad is a Member of American Academy of Mechanics. He is holder of NSERC, NATO and OMCU awards, in addition to other national and international honors. He acted as member of the Board of Directors of the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and the Commission on Graduate Studies in the Sciences.
Dr. Haddad has served the industrial community since 1964, and he is fully bilingual (English and French).
Applied Mechanics, Mechanics of Solids and Structures, Materials, Intelligent Materials and Systems, Design of Mechanical Systems, Experimental Mechanics, Nondestructive Testing, Fracture Mechanics.
Manufacturing Methods, Value Engineering and Productivity Improvement.
Tel: (613)562-5800 ext. 5620
Fax: (613)562-5177
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