Scholarly and Professional Activities


       Committee Member (2007-2010), Grant Selection Committee (Industrial Engineering), NSERC (Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada) 

       Editorial Board Member (1996 - present), IIE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering

       Committee Member (2002 - 2005), Scholarships and Fellowships Selection Committee, NSERC (Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada) 

       Fellow of the International Society of Engineering Asset Management

       Session chair, program committee and technical committee member for various conferences including IEEE WCCI, Computers & IE, IEEE Int. Workshop on Robotics & Sensors, IASTED, EURO, FAIM, CCDC, ICORES, QR2MSE, ICQR2MSE, QRMS, ICRMS, and ISNN.

       Reviewer for the following journals and organizations


o   ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering

o   ASME Transactions, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control 

o   IEEE Transactions Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews

o   IEEE Transactions on Reliability

o    IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics

o   IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

o   Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

o   Journal of Sound and Vibration

o   Journal of Measurement Science and Technology

o   Measurement

o   Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

o   International Journal of Molecular Sciences

o   Naval Research Logistics

o   IMechE Journal of Engineering Manufacture

o   IIE Transactions on Design and Manufacturing

o   IIE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering

o   IIE Transactions on Operations Engineering

o   European Journal of Operational Research

o   International Journal of Production Research

o   International Journal of Production Economics

o   OMEGA: The International Journal of Management Science

o   IFORS Journal International Transactions in Operational Research

o   Production and Operations Management: An International Journal of the Production and Operations Management Society

o   International Journal of Systems Automation: Research and Applications

o   International Journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering

o   Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing

o   International Journal of Engineering Design and Automation

o   Reliability Engineering and System Safety

o   Computers in Industry

o   Engineering Design and Automation

o   Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, An International Journal

o   International Journal of Manufacturing Research


o   NSERC (for Strategic Project, Research, I2I, Industrially-Oriented Research Grant, Women¨s Faculty Award, Discovery, Strategic, Collaborative Research and Development, etc)


o   Materials and Manufacturing Ontario (for various grant applications).

o   Ontario Centres of Excellence (for various grant applications).

o   Quebec FCAR (for Research Team Support Program Grant).

o   University of Toledo (for President¨s Grant).

o   The Royal Society, UK

o   Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) (for New Opportunities Fund).

o   Ryerson University, Carleton University, Bradley University, Concordia University, University of Calgary, etc (for tenure, promotion and award applications).

o   University of Toronto, Concordia University, Carleton University, University of Calgary, University of Alberta, University of Windsor, University of Ottawa, etc (for Ph.D. defenses).