
Selected recent journal publications:


Machinery fault detection and diagnosis


1.     Li, C., Liang, M., 2012, Characterization and modeling of a novel electro-hydraulic variable two-terminal mass device, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 21, doi:10.1088/0964-1726/21/2/025004.

2.     A. Khoddamzadeh, R. Liu, M. Liang, and Q. Yang, 2012, Novel wear-resistant materials – Carbon fiber reinforced low-carbon Stellite alloy composites, Composites: Part A, Vol. 43, 344-352.

3.     Y. Wang and M. Liang, 2012, Identification of multiple transient faults based on the adaptive spectral kurtosis method, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol 331, 470-486.

4.     Li, C., Liang, M., Wang, Y., and Dong, Y., 2011, Vibration suppression using two-terminal flywheel, Part I: modeling and characterization, Journal of Vibration and Control, DOI: 10.1177/1077546311419546.

5.     Li, C., Liang, M., Wang, Y., and Dong, Y., 2011, Vibration suppression using two-terminal flywheel, Part II: Application to vehicle passive suppression, Journal of Vibration and Control, DOI: 10.1177/1077546311419547.

6.     X. Zhang, X. Li, M. Liang and Y. Wang, 2011, Covariance tracking with forgetting factor and random sampling, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems (IJUFKS), Vol. 19, No. 3, 547-558, DOI: 10.1142/S021848851100712X.

7.     Li, C., and Liang M., 2011, Time–frequency signal analysis for gearbox fault diagnosis using a generalized synchrosqueezing transform, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. Doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2011.07.001.

8.     Xiang, J., and M. Liang, 2011, Multiple damage detection method for beams based on multi-scale elements using Hermite cubic spline wavelet, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.73, No.3, 267-298.

9.     Li, C., and Liang M., 2011, Separation of vibration-induced signal of oil debris for vibration monitoring, Smart Materials and Structures, 20 045016 doi:10.1088/0964-1726/20/4/045016.

10. Li C and Liang M, 2011, Extraction of oil debris signature using integral enhanced empirical mode decomposition and correlated reconstruction, Measurement Science and Technology, 22 085701 doi:10.1088/0957-0233/22/8/085701.

11. Boutros, T., and Liang, M., 2011, Detection and diagnosis of bearing and cutting tool faults using hidden Markov models, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. Vol. 25, 2102-2124.

12. Hou, S, Liang, M., and Li, Y., 2011, An optimal global projection denoising algorithm and its application to shaft orbit purification, Structural Health Monitoring 10.1177/1475921710395808.

13. Wang, Y., Liang, M., 2011, An adaptive SK technique and its application for fault detection of rolling element bearings, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 25(5) 1750-1764.

14. Soltani Bozchalooi, I. and Liang, M., 2010, Teager energy operator for multi-modulation extraction and its application for gearbox fault detection, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol.19 (2010) 075008.

15. Liang, M. and Soltani Bozchalooi, I., 2010, An energy operator approach to joint application of amplitude and frequency-demodulations for bearing fault detection, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.24, No.5, 1473-1494.

16. Soltani Bozchalooi, I. and Liang, M., 2010, In-line identification of oil debris signals: an adaptive subband filtering approach, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol.21, doi:10.1088/0957-0233/21/1/015104.

17. Fan, X., Liang, M., Yeap, T., 2009, A joint time-invariant wavelet transform and kurtosis approach to the improvement of in-line oil debris sensor capability Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 18, doi:10.1088/0964-1726/18/8/085010.

18. Hou, S., Li, Y., Wang, Z, and Liang, M., 2009, A New Low Frequency Resonance Sensor for Low Speed Roller Bearing Monitoring, ASME Trans. Journal Vibration and Acoustics, Vol 132, No.1. doi:10.1115/1.4000773. (This paper was ranked among the Top 10 Most Downloaded Articles ( ,  accessed Oct 18, 2010)

19. Wang, L., and Liang, M., 2009, Chatter Detection based on Probability Distribution of Wavelet Modulus Maxima, International Journal of Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol.25, 989-998.

20. Soltani Bozchalooi, I, and Liang, M., 2009, Parameter-free bearing fault detection based on maximum likelihood estimation and differentiation, Journal of Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 20, doi.10.1088/0957-0233/20/6/065102.

21. Hong, H., and Liang, M., 2009, Fault severity assessment for rolling element bearings using the Lempel-Ziv complexity and continuous wavelet transform, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 320, 452-468.

22. Hong, H., and Liang, M., 2008, On-line extraction of oil debris signatures using fractional calculaus, Journal of Measurement Science and Technology, Vol.19, No.5, 055703.

23. Soltani Bozchalooi, I, and Liang, M. 2008, A joint resonance frequency estimation and in-band noise reduction method for enhancing the detectability of bearing fault signals, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.22, No.4, 915-933. (This paper was ranked 11th of the Top 25 Hottest Articles published by MSSP cited in Jan – Mar 2008, see, accessed May 18, 2009 ).

24. Fan, X., Liang, M., Yeap, T., and Kind, B., 2007, A joint wavelet lifting and ICA approach to fault detection of rolling element bearings, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol.16, 1973-1987.

25. Soltani Bozchalooi, I, and Liang, M., 2007, A smoothness index guided approach to wavelet parameter selection in signal de-noising and fault detection, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.308, No.1-2, 246-267. (This paper was cited by Wikipedia as one of the 8 references for Rice Distribution at  accessed Dec 24, 2008 and May 18, 2009)

26. Hong, H., and Liang, M., 2007, K-hybrid: a kurtosis based hybrid thresholding method for mechanical signal de-noising, ASME Trans. Journal Vibration and Acoustics, Vol.129, No.4, 458-470.

27. Boutros, T., and Liang, M., 2007, Mechanical fault detection using fuzzy index fusion, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.47, No.11, 1072-1714.

28. Hong, H., and Liang, M., 2007, Separation of fault features from a single-channel mechanical signal mixture using wavelet decomposition, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 21, No. 5, 2025-2040. (This paper is among the 25 Hottest Articles of the Journal of April-June 2007,, accessed May 18, 2009).


Manufacturing planning, monitoring and control


1.     Azizi, N., and Liang, M., An integrated approach to work assignment, workforce flexibility acquisition, and task rotation, Journal of the Operational Research Society, JOR-10-0423-P (accepted June 17, 2011).

2.     Azizi, N., Zolfaghari, S., Liang, M., 2010, Modeling job rotation in manufacturing systems: The study of employee's boredom and skill variations, International Journal of Production Economics Vol.123, No.1, 69–85.

3.     Azizi, N., Zolfaghari, S., Liang, M., 2010, A Collaborative Search Strategy to Solve Combinatorial Optimization and Scheduling Problems. Chapter 9 (pp. 125-136) in "Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization-Tolerance and Optimal Control". Shkelzen Cakaj (Ed.), ISBN 978-953-307-056-8, INTECH Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria.

4.     Azizi, N., Zolfaghari, S., Liang, M., 2010, Hybrid simulated annealing with memory: an evolution-based diversification approach, International Journal of Production Research Vol  48, No 18, 5455-5480.

5.     Azizi, N., Liang, M., and Zolfaghari, S., 2009, Hybrid simulated annealing in flow-shop scheduling: a diversification and intensification approach, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol.4, No.3, 326-348.

6.     Liu, W., and Liang, M., 2008, Multi-objective design optimization of reconfigurable machine tools: a modified fuzzy Chebyshev programming approach, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.46, No.6, 1587-1618.

7.     Ye, H., and Liang, M., 2006, Simultaneous modular product scheduling and manufacturing cell reconfiguration using a genetic algorithm, ASME Trans. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.128, November, 984-995. (This paper was ranked the 5th of the Top 10 Most Downloaded Articles – May 2007 of the Journal,, accessed Dec 24, 2008 and May 18, 2009)

8.     Xu, Z., and Liang, M., 2006, Integrated planning for product module selection and assembly line design/reconfiguration, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.44, No.11,  2091-2117.

9.     Xu, Z., and Liang, M., 2005, Concurrent optimization of product model selection and assembly line configuration: a multi-objective approach, ASME Trans. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 127, November, 875-884.

10. Wang, P., and Liang, M., 2005, Simultaneously solving process selection. Machining parameter optimization and tolerance design problems: a bi-criterion approach, ASME Trans. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.127, August, 533-544.

11. Wang, P., and Liang, M., 2005, An integrated approach to tolerance syntheses, process selection and machining parameter optimization problems, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.43, No.11, 2237-2262.

12. Liang, M., Yeap, T., and Hermansyah, 2004, A fuzzy system for chatter suppression in end milling, IMechE Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol.218, April, 403-417.

13. Zolfaghari, S., and Liang, M., 2004, Comprehensive machine cell/part family formation using genetic algorithms, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (previously Journal of Integrated Manufacturing Systems), Vol.15, No.6, 433-444.

14. Zolfaghari, S., and Liang, M., 2003, A new genetic algorithm for the machine/part grouping problem involving processing times and lot sizes, International Journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol.45, No.4, 713-731.

15. Liang, M., Yeap, T., Hermansyah, A., and Rahmati, S., 2003, Fuzzy Control of Spindle Torque for Industrial CNC Machining, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.43, No.14, 1497-1508.

16. Liang, M., Yeap, T., Rahmati, S., and Han, Z., 2002, Fuzzy control of spindle power in end milling processes, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.42, No.14, 1487-1496.

17. Zolfaghari, S., and Liang, M., 2002, A comparative study of simulated annealing, genetic algorithm and tabu search for solving binary and comprehensive machine grouping problems, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.40, No.9, 2141-2158.



1.   Liang, M., Yeap, T., Fan, X., and Soltani Bozchalooi, I., 2011, Method to extract target signals of a known type from raw data containing an unknown number of target signals, interference, and noise. (Full US patent No. 8,073,634, issued/dated: Dec 6, 2011).

2.   Liang, M., and Soltani Bozchalooi, I., 2009, Parameter independent detection of rotating machinery faults (Full US patent, Serial number: 12/631,528, Status: pending).

