Research Supervisions

Summary (Completed)

      Visiting personnel/scholars:


      Postdoctoral fellows:


      Research Associates:







Theses Supervised (partial list) (Title, degree, year completed)

1.           Machinery fault diagnosis based on multi-scale chirplet path pursuit, PhD, 2012.

2.           Signal processing to remove random vibration interferences in oil debris sensors, MSc, 2012.

3.           Job scheduling considering both mental fatigue and boredom, MSc, 2012.

4.           An EEMD method for wear particle detection in lubricating oil subject to particle overlap, MSc, 2011.

5.           Integrated tactical-operational supply chain planning with stochastic dynamic considerations, MSc, 2011.

6.           Bearing fault detection under non-stationary shaft rotational speed, M.Sc., 2010.

7.           Fault detection and classification in bearings by wavelet-artificial neural network and wavelet-normalized Singular Value Ratios, MSc, 2009.

8.           Solving an NP-hard tool positioning problem, MSc, 2009.

9.           Manufacturing productivity improvement: a study of human boredom, job rotation and scheduling, PhD, 2009.

10.       Bearing fault detection and classification by wavelet-artificial neural network and wavelet-energy singular value ratio, MSc, 2009.

11.       Optimization of tool replacement intervals considering cutting condition influences, MSc, 2008.

12.       Bearing fault detection and oil debris monitoring by adaptive noise cancellation, M. Sc., 2008.

13.       Program code optimization for oil debris detection, M.Eng., 2008.

14.       Rotating machinery monitoring: feature extraction, signal separation, and fault severity evaluation, Ph.D., 2007.

15.       Bearing vibration and oil debris signal enhancement for machinery condition monitoring, M.Sc., 2007.

16.       A clonal selection method for multi-criterion optimization of heat pipe design, M.Eng., 2007.

17.       Adaptive machine fault signal prediction. M.Eng., 2006.

18.       Fault detection and diagnosis in machining processes and rotating machinery using fuzzy approach and hidden Markov model. Ph.D., 2006.

19.       A multi-objective approach to design of reconfigurable machine tools. M.Sc., 2005.

20.       Chatter detection and suppression using wavelet and fuzzy control approaches in end milling. M.Sc., 2005.

21.       Solving the combined modular product scheduling and production cell reconfiguration problem: a genetic algorithm approach with parallel chromosome coding. M.Sc., 2005.

22.       A cost model and genetic algorithm for integration of module instance selection and assembly line design. M.Eng., 2004.

23.       Internet defect prevention. M.Eng., 2004.

24.       Simultaneously solving process selection, machining parameter optimization and tolerance design problems: a bi-criterion approach. M.Sc., 2003.

25.       Development of an information retrieval and distillation agent. M.Sc., 2002.

26.       A fuzzy system for on-line chatter suppression in milling processes. M.Sc., 2002.

27.       Performance analysis of mechanical assemblies considering tolerance cost and Taguchi¨s quality loss function: a simulation study. M.Eng., 2002 (Co-supervised with Prof. S. Zolfaghari).

28.       Intelligent suppression of chatters in end milling processes. M.Sc., 2000 (Co-supervised with Prof. T. Yeap).

29.       An operating support system (OSS) for telecommunications. M.Eng., 2000.

30.       On-line detection and suppression of chatters in end milling processes. M.Sc., 2000 (Co-supervised with Prof. T. Yeap).

31.       Modelling and analysis of integrated machine-level planning problems for automated manufacturing. Ph.D., 1999.

32.       Implementation of a power adaptive fuzzy control system for end milling processes. M.Sc., 1997 (Co-supervised with Prof. T. Yeap).

33.       Design and planning for cellular manufacturing: application of neural networks and advanced search techniques. Ph.D., 1997.

34.       A region growing approach to tool path generation for rough machining. M.Sc., 1997.

35.       An optimization strategy for face milling. M.Eng., 1997.

36.       Optimization of machining parameters with consideration of tool adjustment in turning operations. M.Sc., 1996.

37.       Implementation of power and force adaptive control of the end milling process. M.Sc., 1996 (Co-supervised with Prof. T. Yeap).

38.       CNC tool path generation for finish milling convex pockets. M.Sc., 1995.

39.       Tool path generation for rough machining using STEP. M.Sc., 1995.

40.       A simulation study of tooling effects in automated manufacturing. M.Sc., 1994.


Professions and positions (current or based on latest contact) of my previous graduate students and degrees (or training) obtained under my supervision (partial list)

      University full professor (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), Toronto, Ph.D.

      University associate professor (Mechanical Engineering), Iran, Ph.D.

      Project manager (R&D) and then Systems Engineer (Department of National Defense), Ottawa, Ph.D.

      Manager and senior engineer (Woojin, Inc., Condition Monitoring and Sensing), Korea, Ph.D.

      Operations analyst (Supply Chain Management), Ottawa, MSc.

      Systems integration specialist (Civil Aviation), Montreal, MSc.

      Wi-Fi system developer (R&D), Santa Clara, California, MSc.

      MIT PhD candidate, Mechanical Engineering (Fault Detection), MIT, Cambridge, USA, M.Sc. and Research Associate.

      Process improvement and maintenance engineer (The Timken Company), Ohio, USA, MSc.

      Research & design engineer (R&D Headquarter, Otis Elevator Co. Ltd), Farmington, CT, USA, M.Sc.

      Surveillance Engineer (Department of National Defense), Ottawa, M.Sc.

      Project planning specialist, Manager (Airline), Vancouver, M.Eng.

      Manufacturing engineer, France, M.Sc.

      Management information system specialist (Mining Industry), Vancouver, M.Sc.

      Chief technical officer (CAD/CAM), Montreal, M.Sc.

      Research officer (National Research Council), London, Ontario, M.Sc.

      Manufacturing engineer (Automotive Industry), Toronto, M.Sc.

      Reliability engineer (TTC, Public Transit), Toronto, M.Eng.

      Design Engineer (Mechanical Engineering), Montreal, M.Sc.

      Quality engineer, France, M.Sc.

      Member of scientific staff (Telecommunications), Ottawa, M.Sc.

      Control engineer (Aerospace Industry), Montreal, M.Sc.

      Project and design engineer (Mining Industry), Sudbury, Ontario, M.Sc.

      Software engineer (Telecommunications), Ottawa, M.Sc.

      Structural design engineer (Mechanical Engineering), Ottawa, M.Eng.

      Corporate supply chain director (Automotive Industry, US-China joint venture), China, M.Sc.

      Customer service manager (Power Transmission, German-Chinese joint venture), M.Sc.

      General manager (Manufacturing), China, M.Eng.

      Chief information officer and chief technical officer (Airline), China, M.Sc.

      University full professor (Mechanical Engineering, Defence), China, visiting researcher

      Software developer (Computing Technology for Steel Industry), Mississauga, Ontario, M.Sc.

      University professor (Mechanical Engineering, Agriculture Automation), China, visiting researcher.

      University associate professor (Mechanical Engineering, Beijing University of Sci & Tech), China, visiting researcher.

      Manufacturing engineer (Machinery Components), Mississauga, Ontario, M.Sc.

      Associate professor (University of Electronic Technology), China, PDF.

      Software engineer (Enterprise Resource Planning), Ottawa, M.Sc.

      Project engineer (Mining and Construction), Mississauga, Ontario, M.Sc.

      University associate professor (Xiamen University of Tech, China, Ph.D.

      University full professor (Chongqing Tech and Business University) China, PDF.

      Manager and senior safety engineer (R&D, Intelligent High Tech), Beijing, China, PDF.

      University associate professor (Mechanical Engineering, Petrolium), China, visiting researcher

      University lecturer (Mechanical Engineering, Control and Robotics), Indonecia, M.Sc.

      Member of scientific staff (Quality Management, Telecommunications), Ottawa, M.Eng.