Catherine Mavriplis
Associate Professor and Professional Engineer
NSERC - Pratt & Whitney Chair for Women in Science and Engineering for the Ontario region
Undergraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering (Honours) at McGill
in Montreal and Master's and Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics
MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Thesis advisors were
Rabi Baliga (Bachelor's), Wes Harris (Master's), and Tony
Patera (Ph.D.), though Yvon Maday was also heavily involved for the
Ph.D. Postdoc' with Steve
Orszag at Princeton University
in the Program in Applied and
Computational Mathematics and the Department
of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Tenured professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
at The George Washington University from 1991 to 2005. Co-director and co-founder
of the Center for the Study of Combustion and the Environment.
Participating member and co-founder of the Institute for MEMS and VLSI Technologies.
Visiting scientist at ICASE
and at CERCA and a Program
Director in the Division of Mathematical Sciences at the National
Science Foundation.
Research Scientist at the University of Oklahoma and the
NOAA National Severe
Storms Laboratory in Norman, Oklahoma.
Currently associate professor of mechanical engineering at University of Ottawa, Canada and
NSERC - Pratt & Whitney Chair for Women in Science and Engineering for the Ontario region.
Funded by NSERC, Pratt & Whitney Canada, NSF, NASA, EPA, MITACS, State of Oklahoma.
Graduated 10 PhD students, 3 Engineer degree students, 8 MS thesis
and supervised 5 Postdocs. Currently supervising 1 postdoc, 4 Ph.D. students, 2 Master's and 2 undergraduates.
Licenses: P.E. (Virginia) and P. Eng. (PEO (Ontario))
CFD Society of Canada Board of Directors
Canadian Aeronautics and SPace Insitute of Canada
Women in Science, Engineering, Technology and the Trades
Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation - Science and Engineering Hall of Fame Selection Committee
GWU Engineers' Council Professor of the Year Award, 1994
NSF ADVANCE Leadership Award 2001
NSF ADVANCE Leadership Award 2005