our interests
Blood behaviour in microcirculation cannot be considered as a liquid
flow, but rather as a collection of interacting particles, the study
of blood flow in microcirculation represents a considerable
challenge both in experimental measurements and for the development
of global mathematical models. In particular, red blood cells (RBC),
which are the most numerous cells found in the blood (40% of the
blood volume), may adversely affect blood viscosity. When blood
cells are too abundant (Erythrocytose, Hyperleukocytic leukaemias…),
less deformable than healthy cells (Sickle cell disorders,
Haemolytic anaemias, falciparum anaemia…), or if they tend to
aggregate abnormally (observed in a variety of clinical states such
as trauma, shock, burns, infections, complicated diabetes mellitus,
malignant and rheumatic diseases), microcirculation can be altered
leading to various health-related problems. Thus, a better
understanding of the impact on microcirculation of cellular
interactions such as aggregation, blood cell congestion and platelet
migration is essential and will provide useful insight into the
mechanisms of disease and to study therapeutic solutions. In
addition the complex flow behaviour of blood or blood cell in
microchannels has become important as a result of the
miniaturisation of blood lab-on-chip.